Certain conditions like pain, immune disorders, and circulation problems are commonly treated with medication. But not all patients want to rely on prescription pills, prompting them to seek more holistic healing approaches. One popular alternative therapy to consider is cupping therapy in Oakville. This treatment is offered by experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and licensed acupuncturists, and it can effectively address various health conditions and diseases. During cupping therapy, specially designed bamboo jars or cups are applied directly to the skin, and either heat or a pump creates suction force. This suction force draws toxin-rich congested blood to the body’s surface, allowing the circulatory system to easily eliminate the toxins. By using this method, cupping therapy helps promote better circulation and detoxification, contributing to improved overall health. How does it benefit healing and recovery? Read on to discover more about cupping therapy and its benefits:

Address various conditions

People with musculoskeletal conditions affecting their joints, tendons, muscles, back, and neck can try cupping therapy in Oakville for treatment. In addition, cupping may be considered for high blood pressure, menstrual pains, headaches, and sports injuries. Since it removes toxins from the body and promotes blood flow, cupping may help address the signs of aging and provide facial rejuvenation.

Increase immunity

Cupping therapy also affects the body’s immune response to make you less susceptible to colds, coughs, and sore throats. Moreover, it may help reduce inflammation and increase your pain tolerance.

Ease the symptoms

Cupping therapy is known to increase oxygen in the blood to enhance circulation and relax tense muscles. As such, some people use cupping therapy in Oakville to relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, asthma, migraines, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Better skin

Cupping therapy may help stimulate the cells that increase collagen production, which decreases with age. As a result, it may help strengthen connective tissues and improve skin conditions. It may regulate oil production, decrease puffiness, brighten the skin, and enhance nutrient delivery.

Try cupping therapy!

If you’re looking for a holistic way to heal, book your cupping therapy in Oakville here at Physio Village Clinic. We offer a range of cupping treatments, including dry, wet, and moving, depending on your needs. Call us at 905 450-8800 to schedule your appointment.