Concussions can occur unexpectedly, usually from a sudden movement that jolts the head back and forth. If you find yourself experiencing symptoms like nausea, dizziness, vomiting, balance problems, or headaches after such an event, it’s important to seek medical attention. Consider visiting a concussion clinic in Brampton, where specialized physicians will assess you thoroughly. They will examine your physical, emotional, and mental well-being and conduct any required tests. Following these assessments, a customized treatment strategy will be developed to address your unique requirements.

Understanding concussions

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a jolt, bump, or blow to the head that triggers changes to the brain’s normal function. As such, it is common after a blow to the head, a fall, or an accident that causes the brain and head to move back and forth quickly. Sports can also cause one, especially contact and physical sports like soccer and hockey. But just because it’s mild doesn’t mean it can’t get serious. The symptoms can get worse and get in the way of your lifestyle. A concussion clinic in Brampton has licensed physicians with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating the symptoms of concussions caused by slips and falls, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, and other incidents. These experts will manage the condition through baseline testing, reintegration programs, and specialized treatment.

Why see a specialist?

Concussions require an accurate diagnosis to ensure an effective rehabilitation and treatment program. Only licensed and experienced doctors can provide treatments to optimize outcomes and minimize the risk of long-term complications.

Don’t ignore a concussion!

Physio Village is an established concussion clinic in Brampton with experienced physicians to assess your condition and provide the best custom treatment with education, manual therapy, vestibular rehab, and gaze stabilization. Plus, we include balance and gait training, Bioflex laser, acupuncture, and massage therapy. This way, we guarantee a comprehensive solution to relieve the symptoms and prevent further complications.